is a simple, quick and affordable way to get your music in front of 100+ music bloggers.
Submithub is exactly what it sounds like, a central location – or hub – where musicians, PR agents and labels can easily and quickly submit their music to bloggers.
Bloggers can easily listen to, approve or reject songs while having direct access to each band’s links, bio info or press releases.
Bands and agents are able to learn about and visit the blogs from their respective Submithub profile pages.
Now…just because Submithub makes it easy to find and send to blogs. This does not translate into more placements on music blogs. In fact, expect to be rejected so you can find more joy in any approvals you might receive.
Submithub is not a substitute or a solution to the struggle of running PR campaigns to music blogs. It only represents a small community of bloggers so consider it an additional tool at your disposal instead of a replacement to your entire blog submission strategy.
Submithub itself is simple and saves time, but it is not an answer to getting more placements on more blogs.
If you are paying for premium credits, you can at least expect feedback even if rejected. However, don’t be surprised if the feedback sounds generic, possibly irrelevant or, for the most part, invaluable to your long term music career goals.
Let’s look at the service.
How does it work?
By using a credit-based system, Submithub allows musicians and agencies to purchase credits which can be used to submit songs or videos to blogs.
It’s as easy as clicking “Submit A Song“, providing an Audiomack, Soundcloud, YouTube or Fanburst link, providing some additional information, then choosing which blogs to submit.
Bloggers choose which genres they accept so you don’t have to worry about submitting your style to a blog that doesn’t feature it.
More recently geo-location features have been added so blogs and bands can set their locations and blogs have the choice of only accepting music from a specific region.
$1 per credit.
Submithub gets 50 cents and the blogger who listens to your song for longer than 10 seconds and responds receives 50 cents. If you buy credits in bulk, you receive discounts.
There are two types of submissions on Submithub.
- Standard submissions (bloggers are not paid to listen) and
- Premium submissions (bloggers are paid 50 cents to listen & respond).
Save yourself A LOT of TIME and get results!
In a world where music bloggers are inundated with email submissions and bands spend hours and hours creating lists of blogs to submit to with no guarantee of replies, Submithub solves a HUGE problem for both musicians and bloggers.
For more information and helpful tips, refer to the SubmitHub FAQ.
You can also see the blog list here.
After using this as a blogger, artist and “PR agent”, I highly recommend this service.
It will save you hours of time and connect you directly with a community of active and engaged bloggers.
Also, if you rely on HypeM to find blogs to submit music to, you’ll notice a lot of those blogs are now (only) accepting submissions through